Description: CodeVadodara is an event where people with technical skills come together to solve real world problems through collaboration & innovation.
Description: Hackatopia is about bringing bright, motivated people together to build amazing apps in competitive yet collaborative, team-based competitions known as Hackathons
Title: Hackathonia -- Competitive Programming for the Greater Good
Description: Hackathonia is about bringing bright, motivated people together to build amazing apps in competitive yet collaborative, team-based competitions known as "Hackathons".
Title: DroidHack'14 - DroidHack'14 || Kochi, Kerala
Description: DroidHack 2014, Biggest android hackathon in Kerala. StartUp Village and Appincubator in association with Ilahia College of engineering and technology organizes three day hackathon, One day of conference and two days of hand-zone session and expert talks.
Description: During a three-day hackathon in Amsterdam, 23-25 May, 25 top designers, scientists, programmers and hardware hackers will try and hack the human brain.