Title: The Concord Community Music School provides private music lessons, music classes, music therapy, choruses, instrumental and voc
Description: The Concord Community Music School in Concord, New Hampshire provides private music lessons, music classes, music therapy, choruses, instrumental and vocal ensembles, early childhood music programs, summer music programs, and community outreach programs
Title: Vergroot je muzikale creativiteit met Composers Bootcamp! « Composers Bootcamp
Description: Voor componerende muzikanten, componisten, songwriters en arrangeurs die beter en effectiever willen componeren of arrangeren. Van amateur componist tot prof.
Description: Toni Land, singer/songwriter, powerful woman musician and performer, from the Pacific Northwest. Toni delivers great songs, and inspiring performances. All original, dynamic national chart hits with a fresh, new sound. Get on her mailing list, get her CD