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Title: Intermarket Communications
Description: Lansons Intermarket is a leading independent provider of public relations and marketing services to clients in the global financial services industry as well as select corporate clients. We offer clients a combination of strategic expertise and informed
Keywords:SWIFT, SGX – Singapore Exchange, Pragma, Newedge, Nestlé, Inc., NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc. KBW, Bruyette & Woods, Eagle Asset Management, ICAP, Integral, Keefe, Corporate Insight, Charles Schwab & Co., Americas Trading Group ATG Americas Trading, BMV Group, Eleis Brennan, Timothy Murray, Mary Chung, Corey Jefferson, Financial communications industry, business-to-business public relations, Coverage in leading media outlets, Large-scale media events,
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Top journalist contacts, Promotion, Event management, Branding, U.S. PR and media relations, Initial public offerings, COMEX, Mergers & acquisitions campaigns, Martin Mosbacher, Global Financial Communications Network, Matt Zachowski, Entrepreneurial spirit, Meeting communications challenges, Best possible talent, Seasoned professionals, Italy, Twister Communications Group, France, Shan, United Kingdom, Lansons, Belgium, Interel, The Netherlands, Huijskens, Spain, Grupo Albion, Switzerland, Farner Consulting Ltd, Portugal, Germany, Cunha Vaz & Associates, Honor Media Australia Charles Barker Corporate , Hong Kong, Borouj Consulting, Ryan Financial, Korea, Access, Cunha Vaz Brazil, Help clients understand customers, Competitive positioning, Focus groups, Surveys and research, Research studies, Messaging platform, Implement employee communications programs, Create employee communications programs, Constituent communications, Advise clients, Post-crisis effects, Corporate reputation, Monitor clients, Execute internal and external messaging, Develop internal and external messaging, Crisis communications, Identify potential problems, Assess crisis situation, Communicate company’s message, Develop customized training programs, Plan corporate launches, Plan product launches, Media training, Product launches, Generate maximum visibility, Corporate launches, Take a product or message public, Guage opinions of industry experts, Plan analyst tours, Analyst relations, Holiday parties, Exhibition booths, Press conferences, Event execution, International conferences, Event planning, Enhance business results, Execute marketing programs, Communications and marketing consultation, Support marketing programs, Coverage in major print, TV outlets, online, Media relations, Reach your audience, Shape your story, Experienced financial communications profession, International public relations firm, Public relations firm, Intermarket Communications, Maintain reputation, Achieve sustained results, Media coverage, Social media amplification, Informed execution, Strategic expertise, Global financial services industry, Independent provider of public relations, Public relations, Marketing services, Grow your business, Communications plan, Tell your story, Build your reputation, Develop communications strategies, Financial media, Expertise in financial media, Expertise in financial services, Define your message, Define your company, V2 Capital, World Federation of Exchanges(View Less)